Minecraft worlds and new computer

5 Jun 2005
Hi all, my daughter has been using an old laptop to play Minecraft windows 10 store version.

I have her a new laptop for Christmas and was setting it up yesterday as a surprise, I noticed her worlds have not copied over, so I presume I would need to export and import ? Is this possible and simple to do ?
There's definitely an 'export world' option somewhere in settings when you've loaded a save up. I assume it places the file somewhere easily findable, but I've never tried it!
With Java, press the windows key, then type %appdata% and press enter. From there the saves are in .minecraft/saves (Thispc/[drivename]/users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves) I assume it's going to be similar for the Win10 version. The saves are in a folder that has the same name as the world.

hth :)
In terms of the in game method (for Bedrock edition), when you click to start a game, and then you see the list of worlds you have - just click the edit button next to the world, and 'export world' is at the bottom of the page. When you click to export, it just gives you the option of saving it as a file anywhere you like.
In terms of the in game method (for Bedrock edition), when you click to start a game, and then you see the list of worlds you have - just click the edit button next to the world, and 'export world' is at the bottom of the page. When you click to export, it just gives you the option of saving it as a file anywhere you like.

She seems to have 50 plus. I copied the folder out if apps data and will try adding on the new laptop tonight when she is sleeping. Failing that I will do the export
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