Minesweeper King?!!

18 Oct 2002
the other threads got me thinking. lets stop playing poxy card games and pinball and lets all have a manly competetion.

Minesweeper, the king of windows games.


anyway this is your time to beat.

i couldnt be bothered with the harder levels, but if your very good post your times for those as well.
G18241 said:
i have been trying to do this on expert for a few eeks now and always get to a point where i have to guess...i always seem to guess wrong

expert is a swine. done on intermediate a few times but it takes to long, i prefer the speed test of beginner
normanthefarmer said:
how you post a screenie and i show

open the scores page, and then press the print screen key on your keyboard. usually next to scroll lock and may say prnt scn. then paste into paint, save as jpeg and upload to free site such as uploadit.org
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