mini DisplayPort to big DisplayPort

14 Dec 2003
I've had a look on the apple site, and I've seen converters for mini DP to just about everything else I can think of apart from the one that would seem natural - mini DP to DP.

I've had a google and not found anything, now I'm not asking for links because I realise that most links would be to competitors, but does such a thing exist? either Male-mini-DP to female DP adaptor or Male-mini-DP to male-DP cable?

I believe the mini display port is only used by apple at present. It is unknown whether it's something apple hold the patents/rights for or its an open standard.

So at present the only mini display port adapters are the few that apple stock. That's not to say it might always be the case. Just at the moment it's very early days.
Would be nice to see OSX on my Dell 3008WFP through the DP. The DVI's are already in use and not using the VGA.

I have to say was disappointed to see no full size DP option on the adaptors. More and more displays coming with DP ports now.

Although I have to say still want the 24" LED with the iSight.
Sorry to dig up an old thread but thought it better than to create a new one.

Any news on a mini-DP-to-DP adaptor yet? Def a no-go? Would love to hook my MacBook upto my new Dell 3008WFP and my 360 currently occupies the HDMI port :)
Yes i'm pretty damn sure they've been available from the start!

You buy the mini-dp - dp adapter and then a normal DP lead?

Or have I missed something? :confused:
My bad it appears not.

Mini DisplayPort video output with support for DVI, dual-DVI, and VGA video output via adapters (sold separately).

^ taken from spec of MBA on Apple's site? I guess this mysterious cable has yet to surface!
The appropriate Google keywords:
"Circuit Assembly Announces Mini Displayport to Displayport Adapter Development"

Link in there to purchase (US site though) :)

I would be tempted to lookup the pinouts on mini dp and normal dp and if they match, fashion myself a cable for it.

I can't imagine it would much more complicated than striping the wires and soldering them to the relevant ones.

Splicing a cable with a header should be pretty
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