mini-itx custom case questions

20 Aug 2004
Ok for a while now I really wanted ot build a tiny silent pc. Atm I have a mini-itx motherboard, 60W silenrt psu and laptop 15gb hd, also got a fan controller. These all work fine and merry so now I am trying to build myself a custom case. I have put together a few designs and got it down to my favourite one, and was hoping for some people to check it over / critisize etc so I know if I forgotten anything important or not.

Here it is.

ok so the laptop hd will be skrewed to the top inside of the case and the fan will go near this and above the cpu. with the vents on both sides there should be decent enough airflow as I have removed the fan that came on the cpu.

and just so you know what the parts are, here they are too:


Looks OK, but a lot of work!!

Is there going to be enough clearance between the RAM and the HDD/Fan? I guess if you have LP ram you will be fine... thats all i could think might hinder you. Have to make sure you have a long enough wire to go from the PSU to the Motherboard, depending where the ATX plugs meet.

Looks nice tho, id still rather spend £60 a buy a Morex! lol
yeah unfortunately the psu to mobo cable is about 3x as long as I need lol. and the ram is on the side underneath the fan, so is the cpu. the clearance of the ram is around 3cm from bottom of case to top of the strip and its the highest component. with the case 6cm deep and the fan 2.5cm deep there should be 0.5cm between the ram and the fan. I hope it will be enough.

Hmm thats a point I need a fan grill at some point!
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