Mini ITX Gaming Advice

23 Mar 2004
Hi guys,

Have built a number of systems over the years but thinking of putting together a mini ITX for gaming in the lounge and wondered if anyone had any general advice or things to watch out for? I know this is quite unspecific but I guess I'm mostly concerned about power supplies, noise and heat if trying to game.

I was considering replacing my 360 with a PS4 or Xbox One and was surprised to hear that neither supported video streaming from a PC at launch despite both earlier generation models being able to do so.

It seems the XBone now does via a recent system update but this still isn't in place for the PS4 and thought rather than rely on a console I might be better off with a dedicated HTPC.

I mostly play FIFA and then thought why bother with a console when the PC has the full fat version using the new engine and Steam has the big picture mode thingy so a gaming ITX machine would be a great little system.

TweakTown just reviewed a Radeon 285 designed for ITX systems and although a bit pricey would allow me to game satisfactorily at 1080p on my TV.
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