Looking to downsize from full tower due to having a Micro ATX board. and it's just a big ugly, cable mess.
I have 2 HDD's and 1 SSD and PSU in my sig. Having a hard time finding a case that can accommodate all this as my PSU is 200mm long..
Fairly decent cable space or places to tie it up out the way of fans would be good, I have full custom cables.
I know going Mitx would need a new motherboard and maybe a SFX PSU that's more cash spent then..
Under £60 preferably, thanks.
I have 2 HDD's and 1 SSD and PSU in my sig. Having a hard time finding a case that can accommodate all this as my PSU is 200mm long..
Fairly decent cable space or places to tie it up out the way of fans would be good, I have full custom cables.
I know going Mitx would need a new motherboard and maybe a SFX PSU that's more cash spent then..
Under £60 preferably, thanks.