Mini Meet ???

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Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
As the weekend is going to be so nice does anybody fancy coming up my way & doing "the road" & a few other routes I've worked out ?
Don't need to be many of us just one or two more would do, Saturday or Sunday whatever suits. :)
Well I'm up now and can be ready for a pootle in the hour :) Hinckley is about an hour away from me. I'm in Belper, just outside Derby. I have a satnav.
I'm just up :o

Can meet you at the Longshoot pub car park on the A5 at 12 though if you're up for it ?

I'll go shower & walk Frank & will check back in about an hour so if your up for it post back here then head over. :)
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Nice to meet you Dan, Cheers for coming out & Yes to Cya again. How did the vid turn out ?
Vid's not too bad. Don't think you can hear the moment I found false neutral between 5th and 6th :p Gotta love the old Triumph gear box ;)

Only had time to watch the start. Will check the rest later and see about uploading it, if you don't mind it being viewed that is ;) I can always bung it on disc if you just want a copy for yourself :)
Post it up, If I don't like it we can always "Pull it" (Been wanting a reason to use that phrase for ages :p)

As long as it don't show my ugly mug I'll be happy. :D < That is not me :p
MADMAN69UK & Me doing the A444, MADMAN on his Triumph & me on my F650, I'm the nugget up front in the hi vis vest & MADMAN is the cameraman. You can skip to about 5 minutes as that's when we turn onto the Triple 4. :cool:

I hope you can tell we slowed right down for the small towns & never broke the speed limit once. :D
Love the sound of MADMANS Triumph, That low rumble gets me going. :o
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