I am looking to get a mini pc built for my brother as a xmas present and need some advice.
I need help in choosing something that will be as small as possible but also as cool and quiet as possible too.
Now i dont need any ridiculous specs as all he would like is something that is capable of 1080p 60fps on most modern games.
He already has a kb/mouse and all the other bits and bobs he needs so its just a system he needs.
Budget wise is as cheap as possible as i am paying LOL ,but also i would like quality parts so am ready to pay what is required.
Thank you for any help.
I am looking to get a mini pc built for my brother as a xmas present and need some advice.
I need help in choosing something that will be as small as possible but also as cool and quiet as possible too.
Now i dont need any ridiculous specs as all he would like is something that is capable of 1080p 60fps on most modern games.
He already has a kb/mouse and all the other bits and bobs he needs so its just a system he needs.
Budget wise is as cheap as possible as i am paying LOL ,but also i would like quality parts so am ready to pay what is required.
Thank you for any help.