Mini RC helicopter <£25 - Suggestions?

12 Jun 2004
As title! And ideally micro USB chargeable.

Its for my 10 year old nephew but his hand to eye coordination is very good.

Any suggestions?
there all basically the same gyrocopters or whatever you call them at that price where your only control is up/down/left/right forward and back

they don't behave like real helicopters (still fun though), the cheapest is probably barely any different than one for £25.
they will all only have a few minutes flight time, even a proper hobby grade heli only has a flight time of like 20minutes and they cost hundreds to thousands
More like 5/6minutes for a 3D heli.
anyone doing 3d is working the batteries hard as hell though if they are battery powered and the motors have insane power to weight ratios, they can basically shoot straight up whilst horizontal faster than the eye can see.

if you were just doing loops or circles you would get 20+ mins.

with these cheap toy grade helis like the OP wants it's probably 10mins charge for 2-3minutes of flight.
They are fun though
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