Minimum rest between workouts ?

5 Jun 2005
I done a 100 reps on each arm with dumbbells yesterday, and just wondered how long I should leave it before I do it again? I planned to go to the gyn tonight for cardio work, but was also thinking of ‘pressing a few weights’ … what do you pro reckon?
One day off before working the same bodypart again.

100 reps of what exercise? That seems excessive to me. You shouldn't be lifting more than 6-8 reps per set or the weights are too light.
Crazy Fool said:
I done a 100 reps on each arm with dumbbells yesterday, and just wondered how long I should leave it before I do it again? I planned to go to the gyn tonight for cardio work, but was also thinking of ‘pressing a few weights’ … what do you pro reckon?

What are you trying to achieve? Did you do 100 reps non stop or in several sets?
sorry i did not make myself clear, i did a 100 on each arm of basic dumbell pumps, 20 at a time then switched arms, i could not do anymore that than 20 at a time... it was killing me! :p

Wardie said:
What are you trying to achieve

i'm built like a tank lower half, from when i used to be mega stones overweight and hardcore running and biking, but have been trying to bulk up top... i wanna do shoulders and upper arms
Crazy Fool said:
sorry i did not make myself clear, i did a 100 on each arm of basic dumbell pumps, 20 at a time then switched arms, i could not do anymore that than 20 at a time... it was killing me! :p

i'm built like a tank lower half, from when i used to be mega stones overweight and hardcore running and biking, but have been trying to bulk up top... i wanna do shoulders and upper arms

you also want to do chest and back aswell as triceps, traps aswell.
as has been said, you need to look more closely at what your doing.
5 sets of 20 reps will not yield the results that you could get from a more refined workout.
Morba said:
you also want to do chest and back aswell as triceps, traps aswell.
as has been said, you need to look more closely at what your doing.
5 sets of 20 reps will not yield the results that you could get from a more refined workout.

ok cool, i could only manage 20 at a time, and thought i can do that 5 times... it flippin killed though and i ache today!
Crazy Fool said:
ok cool, i could only manage 20 at a time, and thought i can do that 5 times... it flippin killed though and i ache today!

but if you can do 100, its obviously not heavy enough...Its quality not quantity mate..

What weight did you use?

You wanna be doing like 3 lots of 8-10...with a heavy weight.
Balddog said:
but if you can do 100, its obviously not heavy enough...Its quality not quantity mate..

What weight did you use?

You wanna be doing like 3 lots of 8-10...with a heavy weight.

ok i will up the weight, i could only do 20 of them and then needed a few mins rest before doing the other arm and then swaping back again
if i were id read GordyR's sticky. 100 reps is far too much, and you cant just bulk your arms and shoulders, it doesnt work like that im afraid.
do pullups instead.. my arms blew up like nothing else after a few months of doing pullups. I started by not even being able to do one.. so i did negatives.. my back/lats are quite big as well
sam83uk said:
do pullups instead.. my arms blew up like nothing else after a few months of doing pullups. I started by not even being able to do one.. so i did negatives.. my back/lats are quite big as well

what negatives dude?
brocksta said:
if i were id read GordyR's sticky. 100 reps is far too much, and you cant just bulk your arms and shoulders, it doesnt work like that im afraid.

Well you can...but it looks silly.
Crazy Fool said:
I done a 100 reps on each arm with dumbbells yesterday, and just wondered how long I should leave it before I do it again? I planned to go to the gyn tonight for cardio work, but was also thinking of ‘pressing a few weights’ … what do you pro reckon?
Something tells me you're at that age.

Forget big arms and start squatting. A stronger core means you lift everything heavier which makes everything bigger, even your arms. Remember though, lifting weights is one third of the plan. You need to eat big and often and get plenty of rest which is when the muscles grow.

As for 100 reps and the rest period in between, as already plainly stated, you're waisting your time. If you want stamina the get rowing/running/cycling. If you want strength/size then go as heavy as you can while keeping form and keep the reps low. If you can manage 20 reps then the weight is too light. As for rest, this varies from person to person but my personal preference is intense. This means I shake my arms loose, get my breath back, then get lifting again as soon as possible. It depends on the exercise though. A squat needs longer to recover because you want to keep the weight heavy and lifting to failure on a squat needs a big lad standing over you in case you fold. Not wise with over 100Kg on your back.

I think someone mentioned about 100 reps is overtraining. This isn't the case. Overtraining is not allowing enough recovery between training the same muscle group, not how many you do in a session. In fact, light weights and many reps is a great way of doing cardio if running isn't your thing. As long as you enjoy exercising then do what works. It's a long term plan and shouldn't feel like a chore.
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