Minor issues with Macbook Pro

8 Aug 2004
I've had my amazing 15" MBP for just over 2 weeks now, and it has been simply fantastic (first time Mac user). However I've just noticed 2 things which have spoiled it a little bit!

First thing is that the MBP doesn't sit properly on all four feet when on a table, the bottom right hand corner is a couple of millimetres off the surface, and I have to stick a few layers of paper underneath so it doesn't wobble. Sounds minor but for what is undeniably stunning build quality in the unibody, I would expect more from something that cost so much! Furthermore, I called up Apple support who told me that they have had reports from other users of the same problem, and have been advised to bring it back to the store where they will either give me a new one or replace the case. I hope this isn't a widespread design fault!

Second thing is that I've noticed my MBP running rather hot. Especially the part of the unibody just above the keyboard is very hot to the touch. I installed the iStatPro widget (which is awesome btw), and have noticed that whilst pretty much on idle, my CPU is still at least 65 degrees C. I did a bit of Googling and found that this is an acceptable temperature, however sometimes while doing nothing but a bit of web browsing and maybe with Mail open, it has gone up to >80 degrees.

Is this typical of anyone else's MBP temps? Also has anyone else experienced the uneven feet and had the issue resolved?
temps seem ok if the fan is on lowest settings

try program called smc fancontrol

you can raise the default rpm of the fans by a few hundred. it will still be near silent but the airflow and temps will be improved a little. highly recommended
I have the classic MacBook Pro and the heat output is nothing to worry about, however saying that 80 degrees seems quite high mine has been on for about 4 hours now and is hovering around 65, the ambient temperatures that we are receiving at the moment will be doing no good for the laptop but wait until someone else replies who has a Unibody MBP to see if theirs is the same.

About the warping, get it sent back for replacement! You have spent an awful lot of money on a laptop and having a defect like that should be sorted out immediately. Other than that, enjoy your MBP :D
my 15" unibody sits flat on my table with all 4 feet but have heard some laptop having the same problem and I would probably get it replaced as it would annoy me after spending £1000+ on a laptop.

My idle temps is around 37-45C depending on the weather, when I'm encoding temps rise to around 75C max this is at default fan speed 2000RPM, using Smcfancontrol will help bring down the temps but I only adjust the fan speeds when I'm use windows via bootcamp.
Are you picking the MBP up with one hand?

Perhaps the extra stress on side one (when lifting) is causing the case to buckle
What mode are you running it in? If it's on "better performance" you'll be running the 9600 graphics card. Stick it on "better battery life" and it'll use the cooler 9400, it's more than ample to day-to-day OS X tasks.
Are you picking the MBP up with one hand?

Perhaps the extra stress on side one (when lifting) is causing the case to buckle

That's very unlikely as it wouldn't be enough stress to do anything. I have handled my plastic MacBook for years with one hand to no effect.

It will be a flaw in the milling process and the OP needs to get Apple to replace it.
That's very unlikely as it wouldn't be enough stress to do anything. I have handled my plastic MacBook for years with one hand to no effect.

It will be a flaw in the milling process and the OP needs to get Apple to replace it.

I've seen older aluminium MBPs warp because of this issue.

Mine was one of them. It's unlikely, but I wouldn't rule it out :p
Are you picking the MBP up with one hand?

Perhaps the extra stress on side one (when lifting) is causing the case to buckle

I haven't really noticed how I've been picking it up! I just figured either one of the feet was off, or the base was a bit warped, that's certainly the term the guy on the phone used anyway. Will be taking it back to the store tomorrow to see what's what :)

@ Randal24, have switched back to the lower power mode, thanks :)
Update: Popped into Regent Street store earlier on, was given a brand new replacement, no questions asked, the Apple Specialist who helped me was fantastic, just impeccable service, especially on a crazy busy, hot, short staffed day. Apple = win.
The MacbookPro's have always run hot. The full aluminum unibody ones appear to run even hotter as the case conducts the heat better. It's perfectly normal.

Had a joke about it with one of the Geniuses at an apple store and he said they're sold as Notebook's not laptops as they don't recommend using them on your lap because they get so hot!

Playing WoW my case gets so hot above the F3 F4 keys it's painful to touch :P
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