Mint 11 annoyances.

19 Oct 2002
So raely it will just freeze or when watching a vid. the screen will go black (like powersaving, but a button press will not bring it back). Will a new kernel cure this, I have 2.6.38 (I think) now? No compiling I want is through the package tool.
Hmm, can't say i've heard of this before. Is it a whole system crash or just X? Can you press ctrl+alt+f1 to take you to a terminal?
sounds like graphic driver problems, is it a desktop or laptop? Any other cards to try?

No other cards & desktop, I never installed the driver. It is still the Linux default one. Oh and ctrl+alt+f1 didn't really work, it just made the sound stop playing. The only Nvidia app, on sys. is Nvidia-common.
Ok installed, should I worry about this?

I think thats nothing to do with the driver install. It just means that there was a previous problem with installing the flash plugin.


sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-installer
sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

You will need to reboot to load up the nvidia driver. Try running nvidia-settings to make sure its using the nvidia driver.

Is your original issue resolved?
It won't even go into Gnome now, the lastvthing it says is Stopping boot-time encrypted devices. I have no encryption on the sys at all & when I load a previews version, it is just a few lines on the top of the screen. 5:00 PM I went to graphic failsafe & removed the Nvidia stuff & now I get enabling binary executable support binfnt (that isn't exactley it) but failsafe brings gnome up. Fixed, when I uninstalled the Nvidia driver it left my config messed up, so I just set it back to how it was.
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