Mint MATE : Desktop Icons?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Hopefully a stupid question. ( mine usually are )

Latest Version of Mint MATE - 21.2 - Just popped it onto a test machine to p[lay with and the usual Desktop Icons are not there, nor canm I see an obvious way to put them on!

The Computer, Home, Network, and Trash Icons I mean... I can put other Icons on, just not those ones?

Am I the idiot ( Again? ) or...?

Thanks in advance.
Ah, I have found it. It was indeed a Desktop option, but it was NOT in the Context menu like it is in Cinnamon.
It just caught me out thats all.

I am at this time, wondering about MATE v Cinnamon cos I have each on a PC that are about on par, but the Intel that should be much quicker, has MATE and the AMD that should be slower, is racing along like a bullet.
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