Missing RAM ??

26 May 2004
I have just put 4x 1gig sticks of RAM into my PC (which is running XP64) and when I check boot up and check it in system properties it says I only have 3 gig!

Anyone know where the missing gig is - is this normal ?
Weel I think you may be right as it is the motherboard that is not regonising that I have 4 gig it just sees 3!

Any ideas?? its a MSI RD480 Neo 2
Yes - individually on the RAM works and I had 4x512MB sticks in before so I do not understand why 4x1 gig ones only show up as three?

This is going to really bug me!!!
Yes I am running an AMD x2 4400 on WINDOWS XP 64.

I have not flashed the Bios on the board as I am not too sure how as Live Update does not wotk in xp 64.

It just seems like the BIOS is restricting my system to 3 gig.
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