Missouri governor Mike Parson vows criminal prosecution of reporter who found flaw in state website

31 May 2005
Have had so many laughs at this in the past couple weeks, how ridiculously absurd. He keeps just doubling down on it.

They released this ad last week:

How many people watched this during production and just let it go? :cry:
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Unfortunately, the courts are just as criminally technology-illiterate.

The $50m figure bandied about is likely what it would cost to fix their entire digital platform from the ground up. They should be taking the original contractors to court for gross negligence
Unfortunately, the courts are just as criminally technology-illiterate.

The $50m figure bandied about is likely what it would cost to fix their entire digital platform from the ground up. They should be taking the original contractors to court for gross negligence

Right, exactly. If this was flipped around, and the Post Dispatch had a certain governor's personal data embedded in their HTML, well, we know who'd still be getting sued.
This has had me facepalming and laughing in equal measure since he first opened his mouth. Today's exchange, however:



I'm dead! :D
Good God. What an idiot. Haven't read the story in deoth, but will assume it was base 64 encoded or similar.

I once found one of my team had left data embedded in a place that it wasn't meant to be. (We needed one field, but dev exposed 10, some of those sensitive). If that had been found....
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