Mistaking owls for footballs

26 Apr 2004
Easily done, right?


I seriously cannot believe that he didnt know what he was doing!

He is quoted as saying 'it was not his intention', if you watch the video, he clearly makes a beeline for the owl (perhaps not knowing what it was?!), and gives it a good kick!

Reads like a spoof story to be honest! Not sure what to make of it all :confused:
Overreaction, but i want someone to break that guys legs or him kicked full pelt to the head. What a ***********, can't stand animal abuse.
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Booting an animal of the pitch still isn't on really though is it, aren't there laws against animal cruelty?

I don't know about the country in question.

As said though, more has been made of this than is really necessary. Yes the player's an ass but it's hardly international news now isn't it?
I don't know about the country in question.

As said though, more has been made of this than is really necessary. Yes the player's an ass but it's hardly international news now isn't it?

There is plenty of stuff that isn't really international news worthy, 80% of it is still posted on the internet internationally though.

Are there UK laws against it?
There is plenty of stuff that isn't really international news worthy, 80% of it is still posted on the internet internationally though.

Are there UK laws against it?

Against kicking an owl like that? I don't really know, I suppose it's one of those things that you can get charged with if caught. A bit like the daft bint who binned that cat (lol).
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