mITX cases under 16cm high that accept a full height GFX card?

1 Oct 2006
Currently running a Noah mITX case, which is good for what it is but is struggling a bit with a s775 setup.

I'd like to upgrade the graphics from the onboard 9400 on the Zotac so I can play the odd Steam game, but there's no way in hell thermally the Noah could handle a separate GFX card - not to mention PSU issues with the wee 80w unit in there.

I've looked at the Sugo SG05/06 but they're 17.7cm high which is too big to fit under my telly, any suggestions? Having had a quick scoot about I think I'm severely limited with my options, custom build case may be the only option... :(
Just had a look around (ah the search button), and it would appear that PowerColour are releasing a half height 57xx card in the not too distant. This opens up my options considerably. :)

However I doubt a 150w PSU would keep up with that GPU and a C2D, the search goes on...
That looks superb, cheers Tute. Judging from the manfacturor's spec that'll handle a high end GFX card and WC. Looks like I'll be adding an H50 into that spec. :D
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