Looking at building a new desktop computer, my laptop is slowly dying and my old desktop, a chieftec dragon blue that weighs a ton, takes up too much room. That and it's woefully out of date, AMD Athlon 2400+, 1GB RAM and an ATI Radeon X1950 Pro.
Decided I want something nice and small that doesn't cost the earth that I can use for uni work, editing photos and gaming in the future. Put together this list so far...
Samsung 500GB 850 EVO SSD 2.5" SATA 6Gbps 32 Layer 3D V-NAND Solid State Drive (MZ-75E500B/EU) £199.99
Western Digital Caviar Green 4TB SATA 6Gb/s 64MB Cache - OEM (WD40EZRX) HDD £119.99
Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 PC3-14900C10 1866MHz Dual Channel Kit (HX318C10FBK2/16) £106.99
MSI Z97I AC Intel Z97 (Socket 1150) DDR3 Mini ITX Motherboard £94.99
Intel Pentium K Anniversary G3258 Socket LGA1150 Processor - Retail £59.99
Antec ISK 600 Small Form Factor ITX Chassis £49.99
Samsung SN-208DB/BEBE Slimline 8x DVD±RW SATA Drive - OEM £14.99
Total : £646.93
Thinking of going with the G3258 processor for now with the intention of upgrading to an i5 or i7 in the future and will also add in a graphics card at some point too.
Any recommendation on a psu that will future proof it for the cpu and graphics card updates in future? Also the specs in general?
Decided I want something nice and small that doesn't cost the earth that I can use for uni work, editing photos and gaming in the future. Put together this list so far...
Samsung 500GB 850 EVO SSD 2.5" SATA 6Gbps 32 Layer 3D V-NAND Solid State Drive (MZ-75E500B/EU) £199.99
Western Digital Caviar Green 4TB SATA 6Gb/s 64MB Cache - OEM (WD40EZRX) HDD £119.99
Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 PC3-14900C10 1866MHz Dual Channel Kit (HX318C10FBK2/16) £106.99
MSI Z97I AC Intel Z97 (Socket 1150) DDR3 Mini ITX Motherboard £94.99
Intel Pentium K Anniversary G3258 Socket LGA1150 Processor - Retail £59.99
Antec ISK 600 Small Form Factor ITX Chassis £49.99
Samsung SN-208DB/BEBE Slimline 8x DVD±RW SATA Drive - OEM £14.99
Total : £646.93
Thinking of going with the G3258 processor for now with the intention of upgrading to an i5 or i7 in the future and will also add in a graphics card at some point too.
Any recommendation on a psu that will future proof it for the cpu and graphics card updates in future? Also the specs in general?