Mixing 2 kittens from different litters - Asking for trouble?

11 Dec 2003
Hey guys, my girfriend and I got our hosue together about 6 weeks ago, so its now looking for 2 kitties time! We've checked aroudn the ocal RSPCA, and are looking on gumtree, a few other places etc.. to try and find the kitties we'd like!

We saw a litter of 4, thinking we could maybe decide between 2 of them, but only one is left which is the one that she totally fell in love with from the pic!

Would it be wise to get this one kitten and once I find a Tabby thats available bring it in too, or would we be looking at kitty hell? :(

Not sure what'd be the best option as we both love cats to bits, would realy like to have 2 but its hard to find 2 together, locally, still available, as we couldn't take 2 out of an available 3 and leave one "unwanted" :(

^What about that pic :p

:D oops!


On the left of this pic! :D
Slight update, kitties have been pre-procured! :D


The Ginger boy and his sister with the brown and black patches on her eyes will be coming with us around the 15th :D Went to see them in the week, 4 and a bit weeks old, tiny gorgeous lumps of meowing fur! :D

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