Mixing 3200 and 3600 8 pack ram timings. Please help.

6 Mar 2017
Sunny Bournemouth
Once again posting for help from the overclockers tech gurus.
I have just bought some 3600 8 pack ram to work alongside my 3200 after one of the staff said they are the same binned memory.
I am looking to get them working together with manual timings. I have never tried manually tuning ram, it is something that has always confused me when reading posts.
I am using a 3600x on a MSI tomahawk max b450 board.
When I go into the bios with xmp enabled, under ram timings, I see a figure in the left column followed by a box next to it set to auto.
My first question is, should I load xmp on the 3600 ram only and copy all these timings down, disable xmp and then re-enter these numbers with both sets of ram installed?
Second question is what timings do I need to enter, the bios shows main timings, sub timings and then some more timings under a different heading (can't remember), do they all need to be entered manually?
Lastly, if I want to try running both sets of ram at 3600 but try to overclock to 15 latency, is just bumping the voltage likely to work and do I need to touch anything to do with the infinity fabric?
Thanks for any responses in advance.
3600MHz @ 16 16 16 16 36 - timings (leave everything else auto)
1.35v dram
1.1v soc

If you have a 3000 CPU (which you mention 3600x) you may need to set VDDG to 1v.

No need to load the DOCP profile as your overriding them anyway.


Oh.... just remembered.... this is very important to understand. Your RAM speed is determined by your FCLK.

I dont know whats normal for the 3600x's to achieve. But essentially the way to do it correctly is find your max FCLK and then set your ram 2 x FCLK.
Cheers buddy, sounds like I was overcomplicating it, nothing new there.
Will have a look about this fclk for 3600x tomorrow when I got some time.
Once again, thanks for your help, appreciate it.
good luck with it! i was worrying about buying another 3600mhz 8 pack to match my 3600mhz 8 pack from 2017, submitted a web note and they said it would be fine. refused to post at first but i must have not seated the RAM properly, plus everything was super dusty. seems fine now, passed a windows memtest at XMP, and now it's been running in windows for a whole 10m!
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