Mixing up cardio



18 Sep 2003
Need some help on HIIT all…

I’ve decided to lose as much fat as possible in the next 6 months – maybe 2 stone max. I’ve been bulking but have realised that the flab I see (and there is a lot of it…) stops me from eating too much. While I did gain muscle, my gains were limited as I didn’t want to be too fat. Therefore I now wish to become as skinny as possible, and start a new fresh bulk.

Diet – Am aiming for 1900 calories
Weights – 3 day split
Cardio – I want to mix this up.

With cardio, I can do 3-4 days fasted when I wake for 40-45. However, on the weekends I want to include HIIT but am not sure how to start.

Is it simply going slow-fast-slow-fast-slow-fast a set number of times? I’ll be doing this on a bike.

1 min slow speed
30sec really fast
1 min slow speed
30sec really fast
1 min slow speed
30sec really fast
1 min slow speed
30sec really fast
cool down…

what do I need to know? Do I need to increase carbs before and after…?

Help me :-\


A good read would be this for you:


I personally wouldn't do fasted / morning cardio- not if you want to retain muscle. I've been doing HIIT in the evening and have been losing 1-2lbs a week at a steady pace and my strength has been going up.

I have a carb / protein meal before HIIT and wazy maize + protein after. HIIT is not something you want to do on an empty stomach, trust me!
ethos said:
I have a carb / protein meal before HIIT and wazy maize + protein after. HIIT is not something you want to do on an empty stomach, trust me!

Very true, although it is possible! You just get a bit dizzy!

at this point I'm aiming to lose weight even if I lose a bit of my precious muscle. It should only be for a couple of months before I start to bulk properly.

Anyone tried it and saw no difference?
Chong Warrior said:
Very true.

Raz 1900kcals seems very low, what's your height and weight? I've just lost around 12lbs eating 3500kcals a day!

ah was waiting for your advice Chong Warrior.

not the biggest of guys out there - 5ft3, currently at 9 stones. Was around 8.3 before I started 'bulking'.

Weight is ok, but I have a lot of fat/flab and so want to lose that before I get serious about packing on muscle.
Raz said:
ah was waiting for your advice Chong Warrior.

not the biggest of guys out there - 5ft3, currently at 9 stones. Was around 8.3 before I started 'bulking'.

Weight is ok, but I have a lot of fat/flab and so want to lose that before I get serious about packing on muscle.
I'll always try and help if I can :)

You're about 125lbs so you need to be eating at least 120g of Protein but I would say upto 180g is more than ok as it will help you hang onto as much muscle as possible while you cut. So six small meals a day containing 30g protein each, perfect! The rest to come from fats, minimum (50-60g) and carbs.

Eat all your carbs split up into breakfast, pre training and PWO with at least 50g in each, preferably more. Apart from that try and make your meals mainly protein and fat. Don't worry too much about carbs (life's too short:)) some are fine just don't go eating egg fried rice or chocolate bars before bed for example. Try and eat veg with every meal aswell.

If you're motivated enough to get up early and do some cardio pre-breakfast then good for you, I know I'm not!! Make any cardio you do before breakfast low intensity, so slow jogging or fast walking is fine, don't try sprinting. I prefer doing my cardio immediately after my weights session. I believe this is a better way of burning fat and keeping muscle than pre-breakfast cardio.

If you're going to be doing HIIT on a bike then I'd say the way you have it looks good. Start off with 10 sets and every week lower rest times by 5 secs until you hit 30 sec rest. Then start adding more sets.
Many thanks.

I've actually lost 1lb over this last week so it's a step in the right direction :)

How's your training going along? Haven't seen your journal at MP for a while now.
Good stuff :)

Though don't worry about weight too much, it can be misleading and also frustrating. It's easy to lose weight, it's losing fat while keeping hold of muscle that's tricky. Use a tape measure aswell and also a mirror, sometimes the scales stay the same due to increased muscle and water weight, yet bodyfat is lower ;)

Training's good thanks, just doing some light stuff after a 2 week break while doing HIIT on my rest days. Looking forward to cranking out some PB's in the next month or so!
Chong Warrior said:
Good stuff :)

Though don't worry about weight too much, it can be misleading and also frustrating. It's easy to lose weight, it's losing fat while keeping hold of muscle that's tricky. Use a tape measure aswell and also a mirror, sometimes the scales stay the same due to increased muscle and water weight, yet bodyfat is lower ;)

Training's good thanks, just doing some light stuff after a 2 week break while doing HIIT on my rest days. Looking forward to cranking out some PB's in the next month or so!

Oh I do worry though. It's quick for me to put weight on, but takes years to lose it. Although now I know a bit more it should be that bit easier.

I can live with losing muscle - if it's only for a few months! Being short and skinny ain't good...!

Carbs do confuse me though lol.
Chong Warrior said:
Just remember the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn and therefor it should be easier to burn the fat ;)

What are your views on full body workouts? I'm thinking of using a 2 day routine for 3 months instead of my usual 3 day split. This should help with time [work], and give me plenty of time to rest.
Raz said:
What are your views on full body workouts? I'm thinking of using a 2 day routine for 3 months instead of my usual 3 day split. This should help with time [work], and give me plenty of time to rest.
Full body workouts are how I train, 3 times a week so my views are positive :)

I just don't think the splits some use hitting a bodypart once a week is anywhere near optimal for most people.
Chong Warrior said:
Full body workouts are how I train, 3 times a week so my views are positive :)

I just don't think the splits some use hitting a bodypart once a week is anywhere near optimal for most people.

Good good :)

Any idea on a 2 day routine then?

I'm thinking Mondays and Thursdays AM would be the best time for me.
If you're only training twice a week then stick to heavy compound lifting. As you're only in the gym twice a week you'll get lots of rest and recovery time, perfect :)
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