30 Sep 2011

I have purchased 3 of these servers from eBay. I wanted to update the BIOS and remembered HP lock the BIOS behind a support contract. FFS! I have applied the latest Support Pack which has updated the BIOS to a 2014 update but there is a 2015 update. Does anyone have this BIOS file handy?

Anyone know what the very very cheapest warranty would be? The server is only for home use so don't want or need to be spending hundreds of pounds.

Thanks for any help or advice in advance
You can usually download the bios from other places online - granted, it is an 'untrusted' source, but for messing about at home it doesn't make much sense to warranty up.

I don't know if 3rd party support companies like Pheonix (who I think have been bought by Daisy?) get you a mirror, if so they are usually very (very) cheap
HPE publish the checksums even if you can't actually download the BIOS from their site, so you can always check if your 'alternative source' has been tampering with the files.
GDL. Thanks man. I forgot I asked for the BIOS. Started to play with the sever and then forgot about it. Just come back to it. Just downloading the SPP now. Thanks again for taking the time to upload it. I really appreciate it.
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