MMS problems on c550?

22 Dec 2002
Hi all,

I rang up orange today and got 30 free picture messages on my c550 but everytime I try to send one it fails and just says that its left it in my outbox. I set up the phone according to the orange webpage and it still doesn't work :( Anyone got any ideas?
How long should it take as when I try and send it the little G comes up for GPRS. Its now gone off and the message is still in the outbox with a little clock next to its icon. Any ideas what this means dolph? Cheers for the reply by the way :)
Cheers for the reply but it still doesn't work. It sent my monitor funny for about one second and then does nothing afterwards and says its failed still. Stupid phone :( Or stupid me ;)
I just rang orange and the guy basically talked me through the settings I already had got off the webpage. He said I'd have to ring 156 tomorrow and see if they can sort it for me :(
The guy at orange fixed it today! Turns out the port of 9201 is wrong and it should actually be 8080. Cheers for the replies all, and dolph - thank you :)
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