Currently using MMX300's (original version) through GSX1000 for evening gaming.
Looking at Sennheiser Game Zero revised 50ohm impedance headset (I get bored lol). Has anyone experience of both these headsets and can say if the Sennheiser's offer a better sound?
I've steered clear of Sennheiser headsets for a while because every set I've had the wire has been the weakness and they've gone in one ear. Noticed the Game Zero has detachable cable which made them more attractive.
Looking at Sennheiser Game Zero revised 50ohm impedance headset (I get bored lol). Has anyone experience of both these headsets and can say if the Sennheiser's offer a better sound?
I've steered clear of Sennheiser headsets for a while because every set I've had the wire has been the weakness and they've gone in one ear. Noticed the Game Zero has detachable cable which made them more attractive.