Moan whinge moan moan moan

Been absolutely superb weather here yesterday and today. Warm, sunny and blue skies. Set to continue through the weekend.

But I see your rant and raise you one - MY BIKE ISN'T MoT'd yet!!!!. :(
Spoke too soon - decided to take bike out for a very brief spin this afternoon and its running like a bag of spanners. Petrol and matches required.
Short journey the other day led to my chain coming off and a noticable noise from the front sproket, possible carrier bearing has gone? Booked in for thursday to be repaired and hoping it's a quick one as I've got the week off!
Rode for 2 hours in that monsoon on Friday and got damp. Then the sun came out on Saturday through to Monday and did over 400 miles over the weekend.

Praying that it is half decent next weekend too.
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