Mobile phone as universal remote

25 Nov 2004
I am toying with the idea of picking up something like the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 to use as a dedicated universal remote. It has a built in IR blaster and there are a plethora of remote apps on the Play Store. I already use the Kodi and FireTV remotes from my phone so figured why not try take it further.

Anyone done this with any success? I have had and played with Harmony remotes in the past and for various reasons never really got on with them. Granted I haven't tried the latest iterations. Devices I will have to control:

Sony KDL-65W955b
Samsung HW-N950
Sky Q
PS4 (although this is easily turned on/off via the controller so no real need but an activity/macro to turn it on and switch inputs couldn't hurt)
HTPC (will use the Kodi remote for this as I know it already works very well)

EDIT: Seems the Harmony Elite really has all bases covered. Hub, physical remote, app. No point in trying to reinvent the wheel I guess. Anyone care to chime in on their experiences with the Harmony Elite?
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We’ve had an Elite for a number of years now, works perfectly to control all the devices you mention apart from the PS4. Sony restrict powering up their console to 1st party devices only so you have to press the PS button on a controller to turn the console on. You can turn it off using the harmony remote though!

Once your activities are set up it’s so simple a 3 year old can (and did) use it without issue. Also made life much easier when other people are here as no need to explain how 4-5 different remotes work, input selections etc.

The touchscreen on ours is a bit old fashioned but does the job fine.

If our current one broke it would be an instant replacement job, no question. The only downside is the price.

Thanks for your experience. I think I am pretty sold on this as a solution having watched a number of videos and read reviews etc. Would be nice to have a physical remote for Kodi too without faffing around with FLIRC.

I've used remote apps on my phone and thinl they're more time consuming than using a normal remote. Yeah you get the ability of an all on one system but the fact you have to generally unlock a screen, open an apps etc before you even get to change a channel seems far too tedious. I'd rather have 2 remotes sat beside me that i can pick up and change in an instant.

I've just googled the Harmony Elite and that would be something I would change to. A dedicated remote although at £200 its not something i would really go out and buy as the effort of using 2/3 remotes to me doesn't seem like a £200 problem
Then this is not the thread for you :)
It may not be a problem with x amount of money to YOU... but it is to me. I have very technophobic people around me (family, fiance etc) and it just makes MY life easier. So I am willing to spend the money on what I consider to be a solution.

I am quite interested in the smart home integration options the hub brings to the table too so it isn't just a remote, it can be expanded into other regions too.
The elite is a great bundle. Having the ability to control everything with an app on your phone is nice, but the elite is soo good it only shows up the flaws of using a device with no physical buttons further. While you do get limited control from the lockscreen if you use the harmony app, if you want to do anything beyond simple actions like pause/resume, you have to unlock your phone, open the app ect...eugh it's just waay easier to reach for the remote.
Agreed, a physical remote would be great BUT having the option to use the app if/when needed (fiance is bound to lose the remote down the back of the sofa at some point lol) is good too. Harmony Elite it is then!
was a 7" tablet another option ? (more real estate),
I currently use a HP stream 7", to run a humax PVR app, where I can use either use virtual remote via touch screen, or access tv guide, to schedule reminder/recordings.
... accessing tv guides moves it up a level no ?
Yea this was another consideration, using the Kodi app on a tablet sure looks nice for browsing media etc but I think I am set on the Harmony Elite now. Thanks though!
^^ This is exactly what I do with the FireTV and Kodi apps, on the home screen, fingerprint unlock on my Pixel 2 XL and away I go. Certainly quicker than the fiance can find the remote that she left in the bed and is now god knows where.

Still, the option of a physical remote is appealing so the Harmony Elite ticks all the boxes really.
Me and my family, if we are watching a movie or box set then we really dont want 'DING!' every 5 mins for Snapchat or Twitter or Ebay or Facebook or..or..or..
In my scenario here I was talking about buying a phone specifically for the purpose for being a remote, so there wouldn't be a SIM card in it let alone social media apps. Also, you know you can mute the 'DING!''s, right? :p

For a technology focused website you all come across as such Luddites :D
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