Ok, it was dusk and I had my lights on full, came round a slight blind bend and noticed a van sat at the side of the road, I was doing 60 in a 50...
Didnt take too much notice of the van but got one last stare at it and realised it was a mobile unit (I then saw the box (blueish gatso stlye box on a tripod on the floor)) and slammed the brakes on....I'm not sure what speed I was doing, but the box didnt flash..
My question is, did it need to flash to take a pic!?
I seem to remember going past one of these a few years back and it flashed..
Looking for some encouraging information, but I accept I was speeding (new motor), (OMFGBBQ think of the kittens), but theres no houses here, its just close to the sea and some people like to send their cars into the bay) and will take whatever punishment comes to me.....(although the V5 aint been sent off yet....LOL)!
Didnt take too much notice of the van but got one last stare at it and realised it was a mobile unit (I then saw the box (blueish gatso stlye box on a tripod on the floor)) and slammed the brakes on....I'm not sure what speed I was doing, but the box didnt flash..
My question is, did it need to flash to take a pic!?
I seem to remember going past one of these a few years back and it flashed..
Looking for some encouraging information, but I accept I was speeding (new motor), (OMFGBBQ think of the kittens), but theres no houses here, its just close to the sea and some people like to send their cars into the bay) and will take whatever punishment comes to me.....(although the V5 aint been sent off yet....LOL)!