Mobile TV on iPhone?

22 Jun 2004
Hampshire, UK
Hi all,

I've seen plenty of adverts regarding Sky's new mobile tv service but as I understand it, this is not available to iPhone users? Not impressed.

So I was wondering whether there are any alternatives which I might pursue? The goal is ideally to watch Sky Sports on my iPhone. I'm conscious that I could go the long-winded route and set up a Sling box and download the Sling Media app, but that's a fairly expensive way of doing things.

Any advice or thoughts would be great.

I have already searched google and didn't find much on the subject!
I don't have an answer but would be interested if somebody else does, I'm surprised there's no app for skyplayer on the iphone yet, subscription based but the obvious way to legally get the content.

Unfortunately it's a silverlight based page which means it doesn't work at all on the iphone (and I haven't yet managed to get it working on a linux box and use something along the lines of flvstream to capture the video and resend it.)
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