MobileMe iCal push?

8 Jun 2003
London, England
Okay so I've added an entry to iCal using mobileme, and its updated my iCal on the iMac but when is it going to push out this new entry to my iPhone and how is it going to do it? It updated the iMac about 6 hours ago.


This is quite interesting, working out how it works.

I edited an entry in my iCal at 18:10, when I look at the MobileMe notification in the menu bar, it shows my last sync was at 18:00 so it's not updated my edit yet.

When I look at the Sync tab in MobileMe, all the boxes are checked except Notes and Entourage Notes and it's set to sync automatically.

I expected changes to sync pretty much instantly.
I've googled this and it seems to be a common problem at the moment, iCal stuff not synchronising as quickly as it should.

Email seems pretty instant, if my Touch is on then it gets emails through quicker than my instance of Mail on the computer, I have Mail set to check every 10 minutes.
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