Moblie Speed Guns.

28 Mar 2005
hi all

most of you will know about my stupid mistake :( but i have been told by a lot of poeple that mobile speed guns can only be used in day light.

is there any web page on this?? i cant seem to find anything
They used speed guns all the time at night around here. I think it's just certain types of mobile speed cameras that cant be used at night.
Have you been over to and They give out a lot of useful advice with regards to speeding prosecutions.

Although I believe being pulled over by the police isn't good in terms of being able to get off lightly :(
Phnom_Penh said:
They work by radar. Whats going to stop radar working at night? (yes that's a no).

The large majority of hand held speed guns are laser. Mobile radar is mostly limited to mini-gatso, which is certainly not hand held.

In answer to your question, nothing stops either technology working at night, the main issue is (or rather was) in the recording vehicles number plates which is more difficult at night.
Whilst we're on the topic of speed guns...

I've heard that the laser speed gun can't be used when it's raining. Is this true?
Dogbreath said:
The large majority of hand held speed guns are laser. Mobile radar is mostly limited to mini-gatso, which is certainly not hand held.
meh, there are plenty of radar speed guns.
Enfield said:
Whilst we're on the topic of speed guns...

I've heard that the laser speed gun can't be used when it's raining. Is this true?
Its possible, it would depend on the amount of rain, but if it's heavy enough, it's likely to confuse the gun. Probably wouldn't work in snow either.
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Phnom_Penh said:
They work by radar. Whats going to stop radar working at night? (yes that's a no).

if it was a laser wouldnt it be harder to aim at a flat surface in the dark?
Hixxy said:
if it was a laser wouldnt it be harder to aim at a flat surface in the dark?
Dunno, haven't tried, but theres a difference between a fault with the system and a fault with the operator. If the roads got streetlights etc, probably not no, but if its a dark country lane, yes, but then again only a ******* nutcase would be speeding down a country lane in the dark.
Precipitation reduce the accuracy and the range of the gun. Most guns aren't home office approved in bad weather. Some newer guns available will be though...
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