Mobo bundle advice please

15 Jul 2010
I need to get a new motherboard/memory/processor.
I am not much of a gamer, it will be used mainly for modeling/physics syms
Reading various threads, I was thinking of either an AMD 12 core or intel 10 core. 32 GB memory, and a motherboard that is not Asus

Budget around 1500.

Hi, thanks for the reply.
What cooler would be needed for that?
Also, I forgot, I will need a new case, not one with lights, just good space/cooling. (I have extra budget for case)
I do not need wifi. Is that the only difference?

A possible issue? Will I need to update the mobo bios to use the AMD 5xxx?. Would I need a previous gen AMD processor to update the bios if it is needed?
Thank you all for the replies/help.

One more question if I may?
Updating the bios on the Tomahawk. Is that straight forward? I am not into complicated these days. I always worry about flashing bios, I tend to keep seeing bricks.
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