Mocha VNC Lite

3 Feb 2008
Anyone downloaded this and have it working yet? I managed to get it to work with RealVNC over my network but haven't the foggiest how to set it up properly over the web. It was generally too slow to be of any use but I figure it's worth having for those emergency times i *need* a file.

If anyone fancies giving me a hand/share their experiences it would be greatly appreciated :)
i installed this yesterday and had a play around... to do it over the net you've gotta make your router forward the port (forget which one it is now, 5****) to your specific lan IP (Port Forwarding)

you may have to use a dynamic ip service such as DynDNS or No-IP if you dont have a static WAN IP...

all in all, a bit funky, but too slow to be of any real use ;)
as an update, i've just signed up to the No-IP service and it works great :) - on 3G its actually relatively usable :)

(a big factor is the screen size its connecting to by the way...)
I don't bother vncing to my mac from outside, I just ssh in. I have a webserver running on it so any files I need I just drop into a directory. Slightly less bandwidth intensive than VNC :p
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