Mock hazard perception test?

4 May 2011
Is there an on-line mock hazard perception test anywhere? It wasn't part of the test when I learned to drive a car, and I would much rather spend the actual test making sure I'm looking for hazards, not figuring out what the test thinks is a hazard.

There seems to be plenty of things available for the multiple choice section - even an android app with the entire bank of questions, if the description on it is to be believed.

I know there is an official DVD, but I'm confident in my hazard perceiving abilities, so I don't really want to drop £20 just to make sure I understand how the actual system works.
Finally got round to booking this. I had a look at the link you posted Lt Red, and I got a wide range of pass/fails. I just don't understand how I am supposed to complete it. I see a child walking down the road, that's a potential hazard to me. But how do I know if the test thinks that's a hazard? Does the child need to be walking towards the road? Actually entering the road?

Stupid government, explain this properly, or better yet get rid of it altogether.
People, child, adult etc on the footpath are a potential hazard so you click once, if say one of those people walks into to the road you click again (as early as you can when they make the move for the road) and then say they stop in the road causing you to slow down you click again.

Same with other road users, there is a car waiting to pull out on your left, click, the start to move out of the junction, click they don't accelerate quick enough causing you to slow down, click.

This is what I found on-line when studying for my theory but I can't find the website. It is a load of rubbish but keep practising!
Thanks for that. Assuming that's how it works, it makes a lot more sense to me now :)

Edit - well that's ****ing ******** - ran through 8 of the ones linked above, completely inconsistent. Averaged 4 points per video, but on Video 8, only 2 possible hazards and I got both of them, but still scored 0! **** you DVLA.
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That is how I read it and I passed but with only a couple of points to spare. Remember if you over click you will loose all points for that video clip.
I know ;)

Just keep trying, try different methods. I am sure that the websites don't get it right.

Oh and do you want to borrow my old theory test book? I can post it sat morning. It did me well, some right random and silly questions that will make you chuckle lol

Edit: Getting new Maxxis Supermax Diamonds fitted to the bike tomorrow, really excited but scared too incase it rains lol.
People, child, adult etc on the footpath are a potential hazard so you click once, if say one of those people walks into to the road you click again (as early as you can when they make the move for the road) and then say they stop in the road causing you to slow down you click again.

Same with other road users, there is a car waiting to pull out on your left, click, the start to move out of the junction, click they don't accelerate quick enough causing you to slow down, click.

This is what I found on-line when studying for my theory but I can't find the website. It is a load of rubbish but keep practising!

Seems like overkill. A person walking on a pavement isn't a hazard, if it was car drivers all over cities would all be having cardiac arrests. If a person on a path is walking towards the road it's a hazzard, click to point it out, if they are going to cause you to change your driving actions you click again. See a van parked in the road its a hazard someone could be behind it, if a person hops out click again because you need to break etc.

It's common sense but the system is awful, ideally you would have someone next to you and you would verbally say what you think and they would pass you or not.
Also remember, the hazard perception test is an exercise in test passing, if you are a driver already you will have to adjust your views on hazards to what the test says a hazard is rather than what is actually a hazard.

It also doesnt apply the same criteria to similar situations.

Which is what I found when I had to take it for my class 2 in 2010.
Get "Driving Test Success All Tests 2012 Edition (PC)" (you can choose motorcycle when you're setting the software up).

I had the 2007 edition for driving and the 2012 edition for my bike licence and it really helped a lot, passed both first time with no problems.

The mock test is almost 100% the same as the actual test and the questions are all the same, so running through the mock tests a good few times prepares you nicely. When you come to do the proper test you'll feel right at home in terms of the interface/layout.

It also has some good explanations on how the hazard perception actually works, when it's expecting you to click, etc.

After a mock hazard perception you can also review your answers. It'll show you where you clicked, and where you should have clicked to get full marks.
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