Mod 2 passed :) + near miss on the way there

25 Sep 2006
Passed with 3 minors, 2 of which were for coming a bit wide when turning left off main roads. In the rain, again! First time too :)

The near miss was about 20/25 minutes in on our way to the test center. We actually rode almost past my house, anyway. A slight left bend trees on one side and houses on the right, 30mph limit. Riding along 2 seconds behind my instructor, I've looked down at my speedo and then hear him scream/shot 'whoooahhh!'. There were two cars in front the first had suddenly stopped to turn right with no warning. The 2nd car almost smashed in to the 1st and the 2nd car either had smoked rear lights or blown bulbs as my instructor didn't see anything. Instructor was glancing at his speedo too and had to slam his anchors on, rear wheel has locked, 2 meter skid followed by the rear wheel about a meter in the air. I swerve to the left and pull up just passed him.

If he hadn't have been leading I'd have most certainly hit the back of the MPV and ended up inside it most likely or on top. Hearing him shout and also seeing lots of smoke and the belly of his bike released adrenaline that I was still feeling half an hour later!

So I've ridden in hail and also experience a near miss already :rolleyes:
Congrats, you taken the zx6r out yet?

I'm off to get it in 10 minutes :) just gonna bring it home. I don't want to go out and be stupid on it as it has been raining though is dryish now and I am quite tired so will get it out properly on the weekend!

I was very much expecting to see a smash of glass and a much nastier result from our near miss this morning. Still slightly in shock I think, it felt very real! stopping a foot away from the rear of a car is very much a brown pants moment!
Well done mate :D Lucky you wasn't Leading, would'nt of been nice :O :O
i had my mod 2 today.

Failed... Turning Left out of a side road, apparantly i turned a bit wide. (Stayed on my side of the road and i still failed.) He also gave me 4 YES Four! Minors for doing 38mph on my Clocks (35MPH on his) in a 40mph!

Where abouts did you do your test?

Ahh that's gutting :(


I Will.

Lol Anyway Back to Benny C :D

It's great once you've passed. Holding on at 'xxx' leptons is crazy! :eek:

I need to pop back to the dealer and get them to pop some more coolant in as it's got fresh fluid, just a bit low.
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