Mod Rewrite

This is what id do, very similar to yours, you can compound A-Za-z with A-z, I would also allow _ , and finaly, [NC] allows a mIx oF UPPER and lower cAsE letters. apart from that it should work, obviously you need to have the RewriteEngine On statment and the Options +... Helps for some webservers, like mine where it won't work without that.

Options +FollowSymlinks -indexes
RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^images/teambanner/([A-z0-9-_]+)\.jpg/?$ /images/teambanner.php?id=$1 [NC]
Argh! That gave me a 500 Internal Server Error, and the following in the error log:
/home/route/public_html/.htaccess: RewriteRule: cannot compile regular expression '^images/teambanner/([A-z0-9-_]+)\\.jpg/?$'\n
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