Mod the 2nd

28 Jan 2007
In my Brain...
So I had my mod2 on Friday morning, all was going well until the examiner said on the radio take the next road on your right, I turn into the road and feel like I'm riding into the unknown with the low sun blinding the way ahead, I slow down a bit as my visibility is reduced, I approach a t junction and without hesitation I follow the road ahead as I've not seen any signs to tell me otherwise, next thing I hear is my examiner on the radio slightly panicky "what are you doing, you went through a no entry!" I do a quick u-turn and try to enjoy the ride of shame back to the test centre :(

Me, wondering how I managed to go into the no entry after years of driving and carefully watching the signs during my test, drive back to the same road to see why I went down there, there was indeed two no entry signs, one behind a van parked in front of the sign on the pavement and the other obscured by a tree and to top if off there was no road markings indicating anything either, so I drive home feeling a little cheated as I didn't know you had to be psychic to pass your test these days and not follow the road ahead unless there's signs or markings to show otherwise.......


Booked my retest for the 22nd, at least that gives me time to fit some much needed heated grips :D
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Sounds ****. Tests often make us do daft things.
Not being familiar with the area never helps. Tha junction sounds like an absolute arse.
Sorry to hear that, took me 2 attempts to pass.

I came back much more determined the second time as I'm sure will you, so good luck on the 22nd :)
Took me 2 attempts, first I nearly dropped the bike on the u turn out of nerves, second time round, I did the u turn with a foot to spare either side haha, please with my self!

5 seconds later this **** chav pulls out infront of me as I just start pulling away, slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting. He shoutes abuse at me and I hear the examiner mumble on the radio "****" thinking he was talking about me...

Knew I had failed, took it easy all the way back just enjoying being on a bike (been on bikes all my life). Got back to the test centre to find I passed and the examiner telling me that he hates **** like the guy who pulled out on me!

Said once I stalled, I was calm and collective and thoroughly natural with the bike from that point. Good times! So I was pardoned for stalling due to keeping calm and collective. Remember that :)
Sounds ****. Tests often make us do daft things.
Not being familiar with the area never helps. Tha junction sounds like an absolute arse.

The junction was an absolute **** I think my examiner chose it randomly without knowing how bad it was. What makes it worse is I've been down there hundreds of times before but I was on reading signposts follow road for test, try not to be too clever mode heh.

Sorry to hear that, took me 2 attempts to pass.

I came back much more determined the second time as I'm sure will you, so good luck on the 22nd :)

Yea, It just seems to far away, but I suppose it will come around in no time once I stop kicking myself :D

Took me 2 attempts, first I nearly dropped the bike on the u turn out of nerves, second time round, I did the u turn with a foot to spare either side haha, please with my self!

5 seconds later this **** chav pulls out infront of me as I just start pulling away, slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting. He shoutes abuse at me and I hear the examiner mumble on the radio "****" thinking he was talking about me...

Knew I had failed, took it easy all the way back just enjoying being on a bike (been on bikes all my life). Got back to the test centre to find I passed and the examiner telling me that he hates **** like the guy who pulled out on me!

Said once I stalled, I was calm and collective and thoroughly natural with the bike from that point. Good times! So I was pardoned for stalling due to keeping calm and collective. Remember that :)

Dam, suppose you showed good reaction skills though and resisted hurling abuse back at him, heh

Can't wait to get out on my bike and feel that lovely lovely wind hmmmm
good luck buddy, I was heartbroken when I failed first time. On the grounds of I wasn't riding fast enough making progress. Big kick in teeth.

makes you come back more determined to pass!

I'll just add mine was an extended test too, god did it last a lifetime!
Best of luck today! I fluffed up my Figure 8 on my Mod 1 back in March and had to put my foot on the floor to balance, but went back a week later and smashed it. Couple of days later I did the Mod 2 and have been riding since then!

Hope it goes well today! :D
Good luck today OP, hope you've done alright!

I messed up my exam, was before the different Modules were out. I managed to bin the bike doing a U Turn hahah. Got target fixation on something in the gutter, and as soon as I saw it, I aimed for it, hit the curb, and dropped the bike. Good times! I was embarrassed more than anything! lol.
good luck buddy, I was heartbroken when I failed first time. On the grounds of I wasn't riding fast enough making progress. Big kick in teeth.

makes you come back more determined to pass!

I'll just add mine was an extended test too, god did it last a lifetime!

Good luck today OP, hope you've done alright!

I messed up my exam, was before the different Modules were out. I managed to bin the bike doing a U Turn hahah. Got target fixation on something in the gutter, and as soon as I saw it, I aimed for it, hit the curb, and dropped the bike. Good times! I was embarrassed more than anything! lol.


Out somewhere ragging it?

Cheers, shame I had another case of bad luck and failed again :(

Was on the dual carriageway, just overtook someone and there was a massive gap, so pulled back in, looked in my mirror ready to over take the next person that was travelling at around 50mph, outside lane was perfectly clear, indicated then lifesaver and started to roll back on the power to move out, halfway out I noticed in my mirror a car approaching at stupid speeds considering I was already 65 at this point and decided to pull back in to stop him going into the back of me, I pull in and roll off the power but got failed for being too close to the car in front when I came back in.

Examiner said other then that one thing my riding it faultless and I don't need any more training just to come back as soon as I can.

On the bright side I didn't get any minors and have it rebooked again for the 6th, gives me time to fit some nice heated grips :p
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like you did the right thing from a real-world riding perspective, but it just wasn't in line with the test parameters. Best of luck next time!
I failed mine twice back in 1990, the 2nd fail was the day before I was due off to the Bol d'Or on my GPz 550......I went anyway!

Good Luck next time.
Didn't go on the track its a 24h race. Back then the only way to get on the track was to break on after the event until the marshalls chased you off!
OP how did you get on mate? Did you nail it?

Took my three attempts mate, one I failed on traffic calming, I went to overtake the bollards and some idiot came flying the other way in a 30 limit. Second fail was similar to you, car going 60 MPH went to over and got too close to the car infront :(

Best of luck mate :)
OP how did you get on mate? Did you nail it?

Took my three attempts mate, one I failed on traffic calming, I went to overtake the bollards and some idiot came flying the other way in a 30 limit. Second fail was similar to you, car going 60 MPH went to over and got too close to the car infront :(

Best of luck mate :)

Sucks but happens, next fail, I mean test is at 9:15 tomorrow morning :eek: The 6th was only 9 clear days due to the bank holidays carrying over :(

If they were going 60 then you should have just left it, surely?

The car in the left hand lane was travelling 50, as far as I'm aware progress is expected on a dual carriage way, hence trying to overtake.
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