Modded the wifes punto!!

7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
Ok, this morning i modded my wifes punto, ill post pics when i get home.

Some of you might think it makes it look better, others will wonder why i did it!

Until i get home, who would like to guess what ive done to it?
ok i guess you lot are in the 'crashing it is the only way to make it better' box then :p
penski said:
Unless you've made it look like this:


Then it will still look gash.



thats very nice!
geiger said:
I think it looks good, Iam a long term fan of those inset style alloys also though they weigh more I think ?

Is the Punto a TD and you did a screw mod job on it

its an auto manual so no :p
Scuzi said:
I spotted a mk3 fiesta on the way to work today. It had two silver 'gaffer tape' racing stripes up it.
So my guess is gaffer tape racing stripes or insulating tape racing numbers :p

Now that is an excellent idea!
im home now, so will go out with camera!

reversing the BM i caught the punto! no marks or anything on mine, didnt even feel it hit or start crushing the poor small car, just my wife waving frantically at me!
TinkerBell said:
And men complain and woman's parking :eek: :p I would be waving and screaming if it was my car you were crushing:p

Nice change though;)

i wasnt parking :p
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