Modded to Death...

11 Aug 2004
I was enjoying Oblivion. It ran ok on my 9800pro, and then I upgraded my graphics card. However before I upgraded, I think was running Oblivion with about 30 mods... Including OOO's 1.3 mod...

A whapped in my new gpu and cpu. Started up oblivion and tried to play it from scratch... I hated it... It wasn't the game I initially fell in love with.

So now, I have around 3-4 mods that absolutely need, and the rest... bye bye...
Im back into playing it again, and loving it. Ok the eyes are a bit wonky sometimes. And the characters dont have 100's of hairstyles, and the potions are old school... But i have a colour map, and a better UI... Thats all thats needed in my eyes...

I think sometimes its a curse playing games on a PC, as you go online, and start modding the game. In the end, looking for stuff to mod the game with, and testing out the new mod, takes over from the playing of the actual game itself.

Looking back, i find that I have become addicted to modding my games. Its took Oblivion to teach me this... From now, I must resist the urge to mod, mess and meddle... :D

Perhaps there are others like me??? Perhaps I should start a Modaholics Anonymous group... :(

Ok dudes, gotta get back to playing Oblivon..
Its not that I don't like modding my games. There are a lot of mods that should have been included in the actual game (like the UI in Oblivion, and the colour map!).

I just end up searching for that elusive 'uber mod' thats going to make the game a zillion times better... Or having to reinstall the game due to the dreaded mod of death that brakes your game...

In balance, I much prefer to be able to mod, than not. Imagine owning a xBox360.... Poor souls... If only they spent their money on the 360 on a decent graphics card.... They could play their shooters online for free on the PC!!!
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