Model poses for studio work?

11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
Right so for my course I have to photograph a stranger in the studio at the college. I have a stranger now from the music part of the college who needs his photo taken for his album art etc. So I really want to do this well!

This will be shot in black and white film with a 50mm lense.

What poses are good for a guy? Particulary a musical guy?

Tips and tricks please?!?

Does he play an instrument? I take it he's an acoustic guitar player... seems to be the rage these days!

Anyway, it all depends on his music. You need to hear his music first, so you can gauge the mood of the album he's made/making.

My friend made an Album which I created the album art for. He asked someone else to do the pictures before he asked me to do the art though, so these are not my pics:

We do own these pics so don't worry about copyright etc. plus they're not great anyway.

Basically his album is about himself and his life, so he chose a location of the local train station as it had all the identities of where he lives etc, as that was something that mattered to him.

I think the location is just as important as pose, but for a male posing is obvious and fake... unless that's the image he wishes to portray then I'd suggest he just be himself and you find the right angles and the right composition.

I think closer more meaningful shots are much more effective but get some location shots as fillers as well as some full body shots. The idea is to get the subject doing what they want for their shots under your technical guidance.

EDIT: This is a for a studio? Scratch the location crap then :confused:
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If he is a music guy.. get him to bring some instruments

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