Modem / Router for O2 Broadband

2 Nov 2007

Just got O2 Pro set up and went though with the setup CD to get the Wireless Box II going. What a hassle. I managed to get stuck on a never ending loop at 55% complete. I decided to do things manually and logged into the router's web interface - who designed that thing? And did they spend more than 5 minutes on it?!

Anyways, O2 estimated i would get 17 meg. The router seemed to think i was syncing at 18meg. I seemed to be downloading at 15meg. Combined with the fact that i now hate the wireless box, i want to change it. Thats possible right?

I think ive got a DG834PN knocking about somewhere. Failing that, might try and pick up a DG834N, or any of the new Linksys Cisco ones?

Can anyone recommend one? Is O2 fussy about what routers you can use with them?

My bad, i meant Premium!

They seemed pretty insistent on using the CD, and i used it to change the SSID and password.

Surprised about what you said about syncing higher with the O2 box. I though the DG834's have the magic broadcom chip that syncs everything as best as can be done.

Still, i hate the WebUI and think i might just go with the 834PN.
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