Modern Behaviour - Prophesied in Comedy

23 Nov 2014
The Cronx
As an avid listener and watcher of Armando Iannuci, Chris Morris and gang back in the 90's I am often impressed how profetic they were.

Peadogeddon was a good one.
The war coverage was too.

Time Trumpet was also on the money.

It reminded me of this 30 second skit which is basically a performative version of every thread that ends in an argument. Any others (non Morris, I know them all!)?

I can't resist a I have to be careful at work as not everything that pops into my head is either relevent to the listeners or even appropriate when it once may have been. Mind you the generation before me had the same thing, I just don't think there was the level of awareness of what those words could mean to someone else.

Or to be to the point - we're now old :D
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