Modify page start height

4 Jul 2008
Hi guys, I hope my thread title isn't too cryptic.

Essentially, I want to do something similar to what apple did on their website when they issued an apology to samsung.

The apology was at the foot of the page, but users had to scroll down to see it.

I want to do something similar, but instead of scrolling down, i want the page to begin several pixels further down than it normally would.

For instance, take ocuk for example, in the forum you can see the ocuk logo in the top left corner.

I'm wondering if there's a code that can allow the page to load, but have it load scrolled slightly down, so that the logo disappears.

The logo would still be there, you'd just need to scroll up.

So essentially, i'm wondering if there's a html code to start the page from a lower position.

Thanks mate, sorry for the late reply.

I've had a look at that, but i'm not too sure what to do with it :(

I have very basic html understanding, so that looks a little over my head.

Thanks for the help though :)
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