Mogwai announce tour dates.

21 Nov 2002
29 Bristol Academy (0117 929 9008/SeeTickets)
30 Southampton University (0115 912 9000/SeeTickets)
31 Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall (0115 912 9000/SeeTickets)

01 Oxford Brookes University (01865 484750/WeGotTickets)
02 Cardiff Coal Exchange (029 20 494 917/TicketLine)
04 Cambridge Junction (01223 511 511/Junction website)
05 Liverpool Carling Acdemy (0870 771 2000/Academy website)
06 Newcastle Northumbria University (0191 261 2606/SeeTickets)
07 Sheffield The Plug (01142 492 208/The Plug website)
27 Edinburgh Queens Hall (Triptych Festival) (0870 903 3444/TicketWeb)

Book now to avoid disappointment. They are one of the finest bands in existence.

I'd go see them if I were you.

All their London dates sold out incredibly quickly (they did a mini-tour of London earlier this year), and I expect these ones to sell out very fast too.
FatPete said:
They're on fire at the moment (not literally :) ) - caught them at the ICA on Friday and it was immense, especially Xmas Steps.

I wish I had gone to that set of gigs, would have been easier than travelling to Cambridge as I have to do now! But it'll be worth it :D
Big Chris announced that i will be in Bristol on the 29th...apparently.

as you can imagine, Big Chris is a bit of a legend in these parts today
Arcade Fire said:
Just booked two tickets for Cambridge (that's right, I'm going to get twice the enjoyment that you guys get). So I guess I'll see Carzy there!

Time to wear a hoodie and avoid you :p
hmmm on second thoughts, the bristol date would have been a lot smarter than waiting 8 months for september but it would have meant staying in the house alone for more than a week :(

1 week or 9 months... hmmm
00bob00 said:
hmmm on second thoughts, the bristol date would have been a lot smarter than waiting 8 months for september but it would have meant staying in the house alone for more than a week :(

1 week or 9 months... hmmm

Go to both.
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