Moment of genius gone wrong - help !

18 Oct 2002
Mid 2010 MBP running OSX 10.8.4.

Also has a bootcamp partition running windows 7.

I've been reading up about using Virtualbox in OS X to load my bootcamp partition.

It sounded like a good idea as I'm trying to get my wife to use OS X more, and having the virtualbox there to fall back on seems like a nice idea.

So, I followed the guide here - but got weird error messages when launching the VM saying the OS was missing.

Realising the guide was written a while back, I managed to find this guide - which says the lion recovery partition is probably 3, so swap the 3's to 4's.

I've done that, and now got myself in a right mess with all sorts of UUID errors about media's being different registry key values when launching the vm. Ontop of this, I've obviously been clever and permanently lost my bootcamp partiton (it does flash up quickly on boot before that script runs to stop it) and when I try and edit the etc/rc.local file its telling me its open elsewhere and I need to close it (but I cant work out where)

if all that was tldr - I'm useless at osx and would really like some help :(
Managed to sort this. I'll put how here so others can fix it if they find themselves in the same situation when I get 5 mins. All working nicely now :)
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