Moments when you spectacularly phrase things wrong...

19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Last night we were out celemiserating a friend's viva and sitting around in the pub after a number of beers and cocktails. The subject of conversation turned to the olympics and paraolympics and someone mentioned they had tickets to watch some of the paralympics. Early that day, I'd been watching wheelchair fencing on YouTube, which is frankly brilliant and also bizarre, as much of the paralympics is.

How did I choose to phrase my enthusiasm for this fine sport?

"I love the paralympics. Some of the events are completely mental!"

Cue a sudden silence as everyone at the table looks at me in utter horror, and that horrible moment as my someone drink addled brain runs over what I've just said and tries to figure out why and then me apologising profusely and trying to explain what I actually meant.


So, tell me, Overclockers, what hideous moments of ill-chosen words have you managed lately?
The Paralympics are for people with physical disabilities. Those with 'mental' disabilites compete in the Special Olympics. This isn't common knowledge?

I did not know that.

I thought the Special Olympics had been renamed the Paralympics at some point.
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