Mondeo - Petrol smell in cabin

18 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
I have noticed a strong smell of petrol inside my Mondeo after filling it up this afternoon - The smell is only present when the fan is on and bringing air in from the outside of the car - And only when the engine is running.

The car is a 1998 S reg Mondeo MK2 - I have checked the fuel cap - Checked under the car after it has been at rest for a time - and checked the engine compartment but could not smell anything. It is as if there is fuel close too or in (?) the area the fan is blowing.

I thought as this happens when the car is idling that it could be coming from the exhaust as the gasses can blow forward and into the cabin when the fan's catch it - I could not see / smell anything at the exhaust end though with the engine running.

Another idea is the lambda sensor is away and it is not burning the fuel fully any more? - I noticed i went through a lot more petrol driving into Edinburgh today than normal and I drove in the same way as I normally do.

Have any of you seen this happen before or experienced it? Even some ideas or confirmation on the above? I am hesitant against taking my little one in the car just now when it is like this - Would you think it is the lambda sensor?

MaXXeH said:
petrol on your feet, gone onto your carpet, air is getting blown around, :)

A good point thanks - Ill check that when I get back to the car after work tonight - Another suggestion is maybe the 'fuel tank breather is blocked' - Ill have to get haynes out and have a poke early tomorrow..
I took the car down to the fife auto centre and the mechanic spent about 10mins having a look through the engine - He could see no leaks - nor could he see any loose pipes - That’s not to say there isn’t any though.

As I put shell optimax in the engine and only then did I smell the petrol - He thinks it is due to this and the engine not working well with it or similar - he has asked me to take it back if the smell is still there after the tank is empty and filled up with my normal asda cheep stuff.

Does this sound right however? Shell optimax being able to cause this to happen?

edit - Somehow types the opening sentance at bottom of post..
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My firends car does this when the tank is almost empty, whether that has any relevance or not, im not sure.
Have you checked that the exhaust isn't blowing from the centre section? This was the problem on my Mondeo.
Lopéz said:
Have you checked that the exhaust isn't blowing from the centre section? This was the problem on my Mondeo.

I had a look under the car from beside the car (If that makes sence) - I could not see any holes etc but that does not mean there arent any there which is a fair point - There is no major low noises etc to show a hole in the exhaust but as I am off work tomorrow I will try to get right under it and have a nose about - I hope it's not the exhause though as they in themselves are not cheep :eek: - Although Cars arent cheep :) - Thanks Lopez.
lol - I just google'd and a complete exhaust kit was quoted at £300 - I hate to think what a stainless steel exhaust will be :p!
I used to get this all the time and I would not worry about it especially if its just a faint smell though petrol is obviously hard to miss.

Lopéz said:
Have you checked that the exhaust isn't blowing from the centre section? This was the problem on my Mondeo.

Most likely this me thinks
I had a chance to get better look under the car this afternoon - I have found a leak however the liquid does not smell like petrol and does not feel/look like oil.

I have took a pic of the area to show - Undercar Large(*1.4Mb in size but good quality) - Undercar Small (Same file but 140K).

If anyone can have a look does it appear to be an exhaust issue?

If the links do not work - Just press the go button on the broweser or copy/pase them as the webhost is playing up :(

Thank you.
I had the opportunity to get under the car today as my next door neighbour has some proper jacks - However as soon as I parked it up in his back garden the smell of petrol was no longer present as it was previously - I can detect some faint exhaust smells though.. Still blowing into the cabin - So did not look under it.

Instead as The wife and sister in law needed to go into town I took it to kwick fit for a look-see of the exhaust - they were the only garage able to have a quick look for me whilst we did a spot of shopping (Free of charge) - When we got back there after 30mins they had checked the exhaust system and could see no fault with it - Instead he thinks there is a problem with the sump or similar.. either way I am *still* trying to get the oil + filter change and as they will do it tomorrow (I have a discount voucher *yay)) they will have a more in-depth look at the same time and give me there findings....

So on with tomorrow.....
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