Mondeo suspension brushes

24 Oct 2002
I have a 2002 mondeo and over the last couple of weeks I've noticed a clunk coming from the rear of the car when going round tight left hand bends on rough tarmac at low speed (mainly notice it going to work where there is a section of cobbles on a bend).

It sounds to me like the rear suspension brush(es) have gone as apparantly it's a common problem. The car has done 85k miles and I don't think they've been replaced.

I'm planning to replace the car the end of next month (in around 1,000 miles time) and just wanted to make sure it's ok drive until then. If I look underneath the car is there anything obvious I to look for? Also has anyone here had any experiences with this problem?

siztenboots said:
Can also be the exhaust hangers causing touching on top of nearside upper wishbone. Rattles can be the heatshield.

That could possibly be it. I think the exhaust is on the left. Also it started doing it all of a sudden. If it was the suspension BUSHES (hehe) i would have expected the problem to slowly appear over time and to have noticed it when going in a straight line over bumps.
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