Monetising a website

26 Apr 2012
Does anyone have any experience on this. I am currently working on a website that will be the first website I have worked on where any payment will be from traffic to the site. So it is more of an experiment than a get rich quick scheme.

The other party involved is paying for the hosting etc. So I have no outlay other than my time. They will also provide all the content . I am providing the technical experience.

The site is now at a stage where I can thinking about this a little more.

I will look at the obvious such as Google Ad sense and affiliate marketing from companies such as Amazon. Is there other services I should be looking at? Also what are your experiences of these and other services.

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26 Apr 2012
The website is in the motoring sector its a facts and history website. As the site has only launched in the last week currently the traffic to the site is not large.

But I am interested in what you mean by selling advertising directly? Do you mean approaching specific companies and asking if they wish to advertise? If so how would you convert the clicks to revenue?

Edit (after thinking somemore): I guess they could pay a lump sum per week/month/year for an advert on the site, I had it stuck in my head that it would have to be based on a per click basis. So not sure we are at this stage yet but hopefully something we could think about in the future
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26 Apr 2012
Thanks Ewaf and Radderfire

I am going to start trying to build the traffic and keep the site ad free to begin with the view to adding advertising to the site slowly once we have a good amount of traffic. We should within 3 months have just over 10k items on the site, we currently have aprrox 2k published. So would probably not even think about ads until full populated.

Out of interest Ewaf what sort of vistor numbers were you getting when you added ads to the site and what route did you take?
26 Apr 2012
Cheers for the comments.

We have a fair amount of content for the site already as the idea for the site came from project that was started back in the mid 90s.

A book was published last year but this only contained approx 20% of the data that had been collected so the website will contain all of it and also allow for real time updates.

Its a shame the site was not created at the same time as the book as we could have added a link in there.

So its all about building traffic to the site and as I said in OP its more of an experiment than a get rich quick scheme.

I have looked into and signed up to a few advertising sites mainly to see how they work, this has led me to discover there is a lot of rubbish out there. One I signed up to wanted me to use these flashing "Download Video Codec" err no thanks!
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