Monitor Dilema, upgrade from 22" 1680x1050

12 Apr 2007
Hi, I would love some opinions as im in a bit of a pickle.

Im buying a new monitor either 24,26, or 27 inch.

I currently game/watch movies on an Asus 22" 1680x1050, which is a farily run af the mill TN panel, but ive found it to be very good, it will be retiring from my gaming rig to my bedroom PC.

Now my dilema is multiple choice.

Firstly the BenQ 24" LED looks like a good screen, but will i really appreciate the extra size, coming from a 22" 1680x1050?

Secondly, im quite liking the sound of a Iiyama ProLite in the 26 or 27" varient, considering both varients are the same price, the 26" @ 1920x1200 and the 27" @ 1920x1080, it leaves the dilema of which aspect ratio to choose.

The jump in screeensize from 24 to 26+ is quite a bit more ££ but I think Im prepared to do it, but im thinking a 1920x1200 screen would suit me better, as I play FPS and RTS, and borders on films dont bother me.

Any suggestions, should I save some doh, and go for the 24", is the LED worth getting?
The BenQ is a good monitor for the money. If you are happy with the image quality of your current TN monitor, then you will like the BenQ a lot. It isn't much bigger than your current one, as it is 24in 16:9 compared to your 22in 16:10- so the increase in viewing area and vertical height are not going to be huge, but the increase in wideness will be big change.

If you had a choice between a 26in 1920x1200 and a 27in 1920x1080, (assuming they are of similar quality) I would go with the 26in every time.Not only are the pixels smaller, there are more of them, also the actual viewing area will not be much different than the 27 - as the 26 has a more square aspect, so the same diagonal size means a larger area.

If you are looking at this kind of price range - you may also want to consider the Dell U2311H. This monitor is not much bigger than your current one, but it uses a high-quality eIPS panel. This review is very in-depth and really does show how good it is.
Hi thanks,

Im thinking the 26in 1920x1200 aswell, just not sure its worth the cash over the benq 24", as the benq does look very good value... will check out the dell review, thanks
i have a 22" 1680x1050 that I upgraded from a 19" 1440x900. i don't know why you'd want to upgrade from this amazing res, it feels great.

btw i have an IPS 2209WA, one of the best 22" screens out there.
Sory to drag an old post up, but im still stuck, ive pretty much settled on one of the following:


I prefer the bezel on the 1080 Iilyama, but would quite like the extra pixels of the 1200 HansG, allthough thinking about it, a wider aspect maybe nicer for FPS gaming, but then i can always force the bigger screen to 1080.

Ive looked at some even higher res Dell screens etc, but i simply cant justify the cost, budget is pretty much maxed out at £280.

Help me choose! Ive looked at reviews for both screens and whichever has a better darkness or image for gaming in general would probably swing it, but I cant find a definative answer, but i doo feel the Ilyama is the better looking screen, is it worth sacrificing the extra height for cosmetic reasons?
Well I bit the bullet and went for the ilyama 27" 1080 varient. Went to the house of purple shirts today to try to get a real idea of how 1080 would compare to 1200 but the biggest screen they had was 24" and they had none in 1200 flavour, but the 24" 1080 looked reasonably bigger than my 22", so the 27" should be a stonker!
With luck it should be delivered to work tomorrow, so assuming I don't get too engrossed in bad company 2 In the evening I will share my thoughts!

I looked at some 24" screens in town today and they are bigger but I'm glad I went for a 27"
Well ive got it, first impressions are: :D

Its does take some calibration, I havent got it quite right yet, after about 10 mins of messing about, but i'll get there- default settings are a little washed out.

Image quality in general is superb, but I dont have any 1080 films to hand, just 720 ones.

Bad company two is awsome, runs fully maxed out with no glitching or tearing:D
Although it takes some getting used to the size, its a bit dizzying at first comming from 22".

Viewing angle are better than my old screen, but this is a TN panel, so there is the usual shift if you move around - but if its on a desk, this things so big that it fills the field of view up enough that you dont notice unless you stand up, or walk around it.

Appears to be no dead or stuck pixels, but I havent properly checked yet.

Bezel is nice and minimal, just how i like it and the power light is very very subtle (underneath the screen)

The stand feels cheap and the screen wables side to side on the stand due to the sheer width of the thing but the screen is in no danger of falling over, its perfectly stable. it looks decent enough - all minimalist gloss black plastic which looks nice but feels cheap - that said it's not like it's gonna get touched much.

There is some slight bleed on an all black screen, moreso at the top, but it just isnt noticable when in use, black look as good as can be for TN IMHO so no real issue there.





Overall, want. would buy again.:cool:
Thanks for the first impressions. How does standard text look on it I know somepeople say a 27" is too big for 1920x1080 resolution due to huge pixels, how do you feel? Also if I get one i intend to mount my 360 to it, is the input select easy to do on this screen?

Thanks, Robin
This model doesn't have hdmi, not sure what the xbox uses. The more expensive version has hdmi. Think it just has vga and dvi, I use dvi, but the input is auto so it just uses whatever is in use.

The osd is fiddley to be honest, bit then they all are in my experience.

To answer your question about the screen being too big for 1080, its not, its better than a 22" @ 1680x 1050, so I can't see fonts being an issue for you as the net effect is higher def than 1680x1050 @ 22", Though a 24" 1080 screen will appear very slightly higher due to the fact the screen is smaller.
The extra size of the 27 inch makes up for the negligible difference, I'm glad I didn't go for a 24".

Applications and fonts certainly look a bit sharper than a 22"@1680x1050.
This model doesn't have hdmi, not sure what the xbox uses. The more expensive version has hdmi. Think it just has vga and dvi, I use dvi, but the input is auto so it just uses whatever is in use.

The osd is fiddley to be honest, bit then they all are in my experience.

To answer your question about the screen being too big for 1080, its not, its better than a 22" @ 1680x 1050, so I can't see fonts being an issue for you as the net effect is higher def than 1680x1050 @ 22", Though a 24" 1080 screen will appear very slightly higher due to the fact the screen is smaller.
The extra size of the 27 inch makes up for the negligible difference, I'm glad I didn't go for a 24".

Applications and fonts certainly look a bit sharper than a 22"@1680x1050.

Thanks for all the input mate, much appreciated :)
hi, same here got a 22 inch 16.10 1680 x 1050 had it for years, bought it from overclockers, asus, im looking to buy the E2710HDS, i wanna know if it will be a big difference in size, i wanna watch movies and game, with it being in front of me, so how is it watching hd movies ? being right in front of it , does it feel small ?

Thanks mattyfez just what i was looking for
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