Monitor Indecisions - 4k 60hz to 1440p 144hz?

12 Jun 2013
I realise this has been asked before, but after searching a fair amount I'm still undecided.

My current setup is a [email protected] with 1080 SLI under a custom loop using an Acer XB280HK 4K TN 60hz G-Sync monitor.

With the impending release of BF1, and other games such as Redout etc, it's made me think going from 60hz TN G-Sync to a 144/165hz IPS G-Sync monitor might be a good idea. I'm under no illusion that having a higher refresh monitor will make me a better player (as I'm an oldfart), but will I get a better experience out of gaming dropping from 4k@60 to 1440@144?

I sit about 3' away from my monitor, and with my current cards + G-Sync most games run between 55-60fps - it's smooth, but will sacrificing resolution for a higher frame rate be worth it?

I don't have access to a higher refresh monitor, so sadly can't compare the two, and most online comparisons are a bit naff/ambiguous/babble on about l33t strats etc.

I've been looking at the XB271HU (or maybe the PG297Q) or saving a little more and grabbing an ultrawide 100hz.

Any help/advice is appreciated - ta.
Depends on if you value that 4k resolution much, 1440p will lower the visual quality somewhat but getting nicer colours and smoother play is a good compromise. I play games of any kind (handhelds like 3ds and vita, consoles and pc) so I'm never usually a mad man when it comes to requiring super resolution and would be happy to settle for 1440p with a higher framerate. It's a personal choice though and if you want the best visuals then 4k is going to look better of course.

Another thread had people disagreeing somewhat and some saying they'd favour resolution (as it's night and day that it'll look better) whereas others preferred the frames and refresh as it made it subtly smoother and more responsive. Overall you might be better off looking at comparison videos of 4k to 1440p and if you're happy to go down to that visual difference then it should be worth it but if you think the visuals would be a decent loss then I can't say I'd recommend it and it honestly is subjective to whether you are happy with that visual change and that is what you'll be swapping for the refresh rate after all.
I just made the exact same decision that you are toying with and I can honestly say from my point of view it was WELL worth it.
I too had the Acer 4k 60hz TN G sync, sold it and bought the Acer XB270HU and I have not regretted it one bit - I even made £35 in the process :D

The 4k resolution is very nice and I thought I would miss it but when I had the 1440p up and running for a couple of days you soon forget about the resolution and the high refresh rate is just the bomb. Unfortunately in my situation, as in yours, there's little point in the 4k if you're only getting those FPS - I was getting around 45-50 and although I could probably have just about lived with it the problem was only going to compound when newer titles come out in the next year or 2.

I was in your boat having never seen a HFR monitor but I took the chance and was not disappointed! I also thought I could get used to TN and I'll fully admit that the Acer TN was one of the better TN panels I have seen/used but alas as the saying goes "it's still a TN", the IPS panel on my (newer older - if you see what I mean) Acer is just exquisite.
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Depends what you mean by a better experience. What don't you like about your current experience?

If you want to be as competitive as possible then you want to be using a CRT at around 90z and playing on the lowest settings possible with a PS2 mouse, after getting 20 cans of Redbull and two beta blockers down you.
Thanks for the responses - appreciated.

@Insanities: I've got a belt load of consoles/handhelds/arcade boards I still play here on CRT so resolution might not be an issue.

@Gmac: Thanks for that :)

@jigger: Regarding exerience - I guess I'm asking if its worth dropping res for fps - I really like my current setup, but am wondering if res sacrifice for a more 'fluid' gaming experience in certain games is worth it. Also at my age banging a load of Redbull and beta blockers would just result in having to have a Gaviscon and a nervous trip upstairs.

So it looks like it's subjective on the res/hz. I would just grab a monitor and then dsr it if I didn't like it, but that's not real fair on the seller.

Again, ta for the help.
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